Progress and Proof

Last Updated: 2024-06-08

Welcome to Meyka's progress page, where we openly share our journey from the beginning to where we are now, and give a look at our future plans. We started with a big idea to change stock market research using smart technology, and now Meyka helps investors with real-time information. Here, we show what we've achieved, share positive feedback from our users, and talk about the exciting things coming up.

Meyka's Progress at a Glance

Website LaunchCompleted100%Launched successfully, offering users a comprehensive platform for stock market insights.
User FeedbackPositive100%Received very positive feedback from early users, validating our platform's impact and usability.
Speech to Text/Text to SpeechCompleted100%Features developed to enhance accessibility and user interaction.
Prebuilt PromptsCompleted100%Added for demonstrating Meyka's capabilities and easing user engagement.
Save Chat History, Share Chats, Personalization.Completed100%Enabled users to save chat histories, share chats, and personalize their experience.
Help FunctionCompleted100%Help function added to assist users in navigating the platform efficiently.
Meyka API DevelopmentIn Progress50%Development nearly complete; launch anticipated soon.
Adding More Models (Claude, GPT-4, Gemini)In Progress90%Integrating additional AI models to enhance functionality and user experience.
Meyka Pricing System (Stripe Integration)In Progress50%Developing a pricing system based on Stripe for seamless transactions.
Adding Technical IndicatorsUpcoming0%Implementing additional technical indicators for more comprehensive analysis.
Real-Time Charts for Forecasting and Historical DataUpcoming0%Providing users with real-time charts for better forecasting and historical data analysis.
Stock Recommendation SystemUpcoming0%Developing a stock recommendation system to offer personalized investment suggestions.


As we keep making Meyka better, we're focused on giving you the best and most useful stock market information. We've hit some important goals, and there are many more exciting things to come. We're thankful for your support and feedback and can't wait to share more features that will help with your investments. Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being a part of Meyka's journey.